I just visited this one. It’s a pretty unique spot! It’s fairly technical access though, be warned! The pool is fairly small by default. Sometimes it has sediment, sometimes not. I didn’t have sediment on my trip. If it does have sediment, use the white bags under a rock above access to fill (to act as sandbags). Two sandbags here would greatly improve pool depth. The lower larger pool was part of the river when I went, so it was cold. The temp was perfect of the hot pool though. There were two vents of ~40C water, with a small vent of cooler water to keep it optimal. There’s an even hotter water vent nearby, but not in pool. Direction: On a topo50 map, you are aiming for just above the ‘o’ in Morgan. You follow the old trail via pink, orange and white markers, but, the route down to springs is unmarked. If you reach the M, you’ve gone one valley too far (the next valley from this is the large stream tributary marked on map) You kind if drop into a bushy creek and just follow it all the way down (literally), as the end of the creek is also the start when you have to scramble down to the pool. It’s not for the feint hearted, and you’ll likely need some kind of rope to wrap around the log jam for safety, as this part is super exposed. I used a throwrope with a caribeener. Also, it’s slippery!